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Sep. 26, 2023

Almendras/India: Se estiman en 170 mil toneladas las im...

Post forecasts India’s MY 2023/2024 almond imports at 170,000 MT, up by six percent from the USDA official MY 2022/2023 estimate of 160,000 MT. With India’s lifting of its retaliatory tariff on U.S.-origin almonds, Post anticipates a boost in U.S....

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Sep. 26, 2023

Nueces/India: importaciones alcanzarán 40 mil tonelada...

India’s main supplier of walnuts is Chile, which commands a hefty 63 percent  market share. The United States (17 percent) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) (13 percent) trail Chile in second and third place. India is primarily an in-shell...

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Sep. 25, 2023

China: producción de pasas se recuperará y alcanzará...

People's Republic of China raisin production is forecast to rebound by nearly 12 percent to 190,000 metric tons (MT) in marketing year (MY) 2023/24 (August-July) compared to the previous year when Covid-related lockdowns in Turpan, the largest raisin growing area...

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Sep. 25, 2023

Avena: Avance de la producción mundial, stock y consum...

El departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA) ha emitido el reporte de mensual de las estimaciones de rendimiento, producción y superficie de la avena en los principales productores mundiales. Reporte acá: USDA/September 21, 2023

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Frutas y Hortalizas

Sep. 22, 2023

EE.UU: la peor cosecha de duraznos y nectarines en 40 a...

U.S. peach and nectarine production for 2023/24 is forecast down to 574,000 metric tons. Production has been fairly stable during the last 5 years, range‐bound between 650,000‐ 710,000 tons, but weather events in top producing states will drive supplies below...

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