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Alimentos Procesados

Dic. 12, 2023

Exportaciones de frutas y hortalizas elaboradas crecen ...

Las exportaciones acumuladas de frutas y hortalizas elaboradas de Chile, a Noviembre del presente año, alcanzan US$ 2.420 millones, creciendo un 4% respecto del mismo perido del año anterior. En términos de volumen, este alcanza las 914 mil toneladas, con...

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Dic. 12, 2023

COP-28/congelados: ¿una solución sustentable pasar de...

Join The Move To -15° to help the industry cut carbon emissions, save energy and lower costs. The Move To -15° is an initiative to bring global logistics leaders together to change the temperature of frozen food from -18°C to...

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Alimentos Procesados

Dic. 12, 2023

Filipinas: US$ 460 millones en importaciones de hortali...

Philippine imports of processed vegetables grew 35 percent year on year, reaching $460 million in 2022. Imports increased 40 percent as of August 2023, coinciding with a five percent rise in GDP during the first half of the year. The...

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Jugos, bebidas, vinos y licores

Dic. 12, 2023

EE.UU: Proyectan crecimiento del 25% al año 2026 para ...

The latest numbers from IWSR Drinks Market Analysis indicate that the market for non-alcoholic beverages will grow by more than 25% between now and 2026 in the United States. Drinking establishments such as bars and pubs have offered a space...

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Alimentos Orgánicos

Dic. 7, 2023

EE.UU/Orgánicos: dinámica de las ventas en el mercado...

The region’s climate paired with early consumer interest in organics helped California blossom into the largest producer of organic products. In recent years, regional differences in organic agriculture have become less pronounced as acreage and sales across the country have...

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