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Feb. 22, 2022

España y Portugal: medidas y consecuencias por grave se...

Ante las consecuencias que está teniendo y ante los daños por la sequía este año, España y Portugal pedirán a la Comisión Europea que incremente la dotación de los adelantos de los pagos de la Política Agrícola Común (PAC) «en...

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Innovación, Investigación y Salud

Feb. 22, 2022

Desarrollan tratamiento para manzanas y peras para redu...

Spanish biotech company Sanifruit has launched a chemical-free solution for apples and pears to cut fruit losses and reduce scalding and internal browning while maintaining fruit quality and extending its shelf-life, thereby helping companies to improve their profitability and access...

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Alimentos Procesados

Feb. 22, 2022

Lineamientos y guía para exportar alimentos a Serbia

Serbia is the largest agricultural market in the Western Balkans with a strong agriculture production and food processing tradition. Serbia is a global leader in the production of non-GMO corn and raspberries. The food processing industry accounts for approximately one-third...

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Feb. 22, 2022

Kenia: proyecto busca analizar nuevos insectos comestib...

A research project on the safety of new edible insects involving Germany and Kenya is entering its final year. The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and Jomo Kenyatta University in Nairobi, Kenya, are leading the ContamInsect research project,...

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Feb. 18, 2022

Pistachos: producción mundial alcanza 829 mil toneladas

Global production for 2021/22 is forecast down 16 percent to 829,000 metric tons (tons) on declines in Iran and Turkey, more than offsetting a continued rebound in the United States. As a result of lower available supplies, world consumption, trade,...

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Alimentos Procesados

Feb. 18, 2022

Lanzan suplementos de gomitas y spray en base a hongos

Mushroom dietary supplements are trending, and companies are courting customers with expanded delivery formats. Two recent launches—a new mushroom daily gummy and a mushroom spray—are the latest innovations giving shoppers new ways to take their mushrooms. Last November, a company...

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Alimentos Procesados

Feb. 18, 2022

Tendencias de ingredientes para alimentos, bebidas, sup...

Plant-based protein is a category in which innovation has been persistent, continually improving to satisfy the growing and demanding base of consumers seeking alternative protein sources. Functional foods and beverages can be a major driver of innovation for protein in...

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Feb. 18, 2022

Producción mundial de almendras alcanzó las 1.59 millon...

En la campaña 2021/2022, la producción mundial de almendra alcanzó las 1.59 millones de toneladas, mostrando una contracción de -8% respecto a las 1.73 millones de toneladas obtenidas en la campaña previa. (más…)

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