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Noticias CECCL

Ago. 1, 2023

Chilealimentos ha certificado más de 350 Gestores en In...

El Centro de Evaluación y Certificación de Competencias Laborales de Chilealimentos lleva más de 30 empresas que ha certificado en el perfil gestor(a) de Inclusión laboral, el cuál desde el año pasado es obligación por ley contar con un especialista...

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Ago. 1, 2023

Marruecos: productos y destinos de la industria de los...

Morocco has been continuously increasing its fruit and berry exports, with France and the UK accounting for the most important part in this growth, as reported by EastFruit. In 2018-2022, Moroccan fruits and berries were available on the markets of...

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Frutas y Hortalizas

Ago. 1, 2023

Manzanas/Francia: producción 2023 crecerá 9% respecto a...

According to the latest forecasts, French apple production is estimated to be 9% higher than in 2022, and 8% higher than the average harvest from 2018 to 2022. A publication by Agreste Conjoncture, an agency of the French Ministry of...

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Ago. 1, 2023

Italia: US$ 170 mil millones en Ventas de alimentos ret...

Italy’s food retail sales reached $170.4 billion in 2022, a 2.1 percent increase compared to 2021. Increased sales were registered at discount stores (+4.1 percent), supermarkets (+2.8 percent), hypermarkets (+2.7 percent), and small local grocers (+1 percent). Conversely, convenience stores...

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Ago. 1, 2023

Corea: dinámica de la industria de alimentos retail

Korean retail food sales totaled $131 billion in 2022, accounting for 27 percent of total retail sales. Grocery supermarkets are the leading food retail channel, followed by on-line retailers, hypermarket discount stores, convenience stores, and department stores. On-line retailers and...

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Ago. 1, 2023

Avellanas: panorama de la Industria en Georgia en 2023

The hazelnut production in Georgia faces challenges in the 2023 season, but there is hope for better quality and quantity than in 2022. Sales of newly harvested hazelnuts in green husk have already started on the local market, but exporters...

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Jul. 28, 2023

José Guajardo es designado nuevo Director Nacional del...

José Guajardo Reyes, médico veterinario de la Universidad de Concepción, asumirá a contar de este 1 de agosto de 2023 como Director Nacional del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG. El profesional de 57 años de edad fue escogido por el...

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Jul. 28, 2023

Turquía: casi US$ 60 mil millones en ventas de alimento...

Despite recent economic headwinds, the retail food industry continues to grow, with sales topping nearly $60 billion in 2022. A young, largely urban population and growing middle class are driving this growth. The sector is mostly dominated by domestic retailers,...

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