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Sep. 29, 2023

Unión Europea importó US$ 6.800 millones en frutos seco...

In 2022, the European Union (EU)-27 imported $6.8 billion in tree nuts from the world. The United States, with $2.67 billion, is the largest EU-27 tree nuts supplier, accounting for 39 percent of total imports. Turkey is the second largest...

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Sep. 29, 2023

Almendras/UE: Importaciones se estiman en 280 mil tonel...

Tree nut imports are crucial for EU consumers, in MY 2023/24 the imports will reach 280,000 MT. Traditionally, consumers prefer locally grown products mainly due to consumer loyalty and habits. However, EU consumption of nuts is higher than production, generating...

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Sep. 29, 2023

Nueces/UE: importaciones 2023/24 alcanzarán 290 mil ton...

In MY 2023/24 imports are estimated in 290,000 MT. The wide gap between EU walnut production and imports provides excellent opportunities for walnut exporters. The EU imports various types of nuts for direct consumption as well as for further processing...

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Frutas y Hortalizas

Sep. 29, 2023

Australia: producción de duraznos y nectarines se incre...

MY 2023/24 production of peaches and nectarines is forecast to rise to 90,000 MT, an increase of 10,000 MT (13 percent) from the downward revised MY 2022/23 estimate of 90,000 MT. Growing conditions for the forecast crop at this early...

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Frutas y Hortalizas

Sep. 29, 2023

Cerezas/Australia: producción 2023/24 alcanzará las 20...

MY 2023/24 production for cherries in Australia is forecast to increase to 20,000 metric tons (MT) from the downward revised MY 2022/23 estimate of 17,000 MT. However, the production forecast is a little subdued, given that it is in line...

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Sep. 29, 2023

EE.UU/California: producción de nueces 2023/24 se incre...

According to the official estimate issued by the USDA's statistics service, walnut production in California in 2023 should be 5% higher than in 2022. As of September 1, based on measurements taken between July 22 and August 25, 2023, the...

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Sep. 29, 2023

Sudáfrica: inundaciones dañan cultivos de frutillas, vi...

A very deep cut-off low pressure system, connecting the lower with the upper atmosphere, brought two months’ worth of winter rainfall to the Western Cape in three days. “The impact has been terrible. The Berg River has created new canals...

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Noticias Asociados

Sep. 29, 2023

SGS Academy: Calendario de cursos y Diplomados a partir...

Noviembre llega con nuevas oportunidades de aprendizaje que no puedes dejar pasar Perfecciónate en diversas áreas y desarrollar nuevas herramientas para complementar tu labor diaria, con SGS Academy podrás estudiar desde cualquier lugar, solo debes contar con conexión a internet....

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