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Frutas y Hortalizas

Nov. 15, 2022

Chile: USDA estima caídas en la comercialización de u...

In MY 2022/23, FAS Santiago (Post) estimates that table grape production will decrease by 7.1 percent reaching 732,000 metric tons. The decrease in production is caused by a decrease in table grape area planted (Figure 1). Planted table grape area...

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Frutas y Hortalizas

Nov. 10, 2022

China: caídas de producción de manzanas (-11%) y pera...

China’s apple and pear production is expected to drop by 11 percent and 5 percent, respectively, on year to 41 MMT and 17.85 MMT in MY 2022/23, because of weather abnormalities and farmers reducing acreage of bearing trees. Table grape...

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Alimentos Orgánicos

Nov. 10, 2022

México: el mercado de alimentos orgánicos...

Mexico has 1.2 million hectares of certified organic land in use. Eighty-six percent of all organic products are collected and harvested from natural habitats. In 2021, there were 48,641 certified organic producers in Mexico. The honey and coffee sectors have...

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Frutas y Hortalizas

Nov. 10, 2022

Uva/Perú: producción 2022/23 alcanzará las 766 mil t...

Grape production in Peru is forecast to reach 766,000 metric tons (MT) in marketing year (MY) 2022/2023, an increase of seven percent compared to the previous year. Domestic consumption of fresh grapes is forecast at 186,000 MT in MY 2022/2023,...

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Alimentos Orgánicos

Nov. 8, 2022

Orgánicos: Exportaciones superan los US$ 260 millones...

Las exportaciones de alimentos orgánicos alcanzaron 82.225 toneladas y superaron los US$ 264 millones al mes de agosto del presente año. En el sector de las frutas frescas se destaca la caída del arándano principalmente tanto en valor (-28%) como...

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