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Sep. 29, 2023

Nueces/UE: importaciones 2023/24 alcanzarán 290 mil to...

In MY 2023/24 imports are estimated in 290,000 MT. The wide gap between EU walnut production and imports provides excellent opportunities for walnut exporters. The EU imports various types of nuts for direct consumption as well as for further processing...

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Frutas y Hortalizas

Sep. 29, 2023

Australia: producción de duraznos y nectarines se incr...

MY 2023/24 production of peaches and nectarines is forecast to rise to 90,000 MT, an increase of 10,000 MT (13 percent) from the downward revised MY 2022/23 estimate of 90,000 MT. Growing conditions for the forecast crop at this early...

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Frutas y Hortalizas

Sep. 29, 2023

Cerezas/Australia: producción 2023/24 alcanzará las 2...

MY 2023/24 production for cherries in Australia is forecast to increase to 20,000 metric tons (MT) from the downward revised MY 2022/23 estimate of 17,000 MT. However, the production forecast is a little subdued, given that it is in line...

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Sep. 29, 2023

EE.UU/California: producción de nueces 2023/24 se incr...

According to the official estimate issued by the USDA's statistics service, walnut production in California in 2023 should be 5% higher than in 2022. As of September 1, based on measurements taken between July 22 and August 25, 2023, the...

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Sep. 26, 2023

EE.UU: Stock de frutas congeladas actualizado al 31 de ...

El departamento agrícola de los Estados Unidos (USDA) ha publicado su reporte de stock de frutas congeladas al mes de Agosto 2023. En el siguiente reporte se detalla el suministro disponible especie por especie. Reporte completo: USDA/25 de septiembre...

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