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Sep. 29, 2022

Unión Europea/Frutos Secos: importaciones superan los ...

In 2021, the European Union (EU)-27 imported $7.1 billion in tree nuts from the world. The United States, with $2.5 billion, is the largest EU-27 tree nuts supplier, accounting for 35 percent of total imports. Although the COVID-19 health crisis...

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Sep. 27, 2022

India: importaciones de almendras serán de 148 mil TON...

FAS New Delhi (Post) forecasts marketing year (MY) 2022/23 (August-July) Indian almond imports (shelled-basis) at 148,000 metric tons (MT) a slight decrease from MY 2021/22, as food inflation volatility, rupee depreciation, and global shipping challenges are likely to persist in...

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Frutas y Hortalizas

Sep. 27, 2022

Arándanos/IBO: Superficie y Volumen de productores mun...

different subregions and individual country sections. This space gives us the opportunity to explore general global trends not otherwise covered in the report. Based on the data collected for the 2021 report the production of fresh blueberries rose by 21%...

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Sep. 27, 2022

Almendras/Australia: avanzan huertos con autopolinizaci...

A Sunraysia farmer is "thanking his lucky stars" he was able to produce a commercial almond crop this year during the New South Wales varroa mite outbreak, after planting hundreds of self-fertilising almond trees. Changes to beehive permit rules were...

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confites y chocolates

Sep. 27, 2022

Chile: elaboran cereales en base a legumbres...

Mucho se habla sobre los beneficios de las legumbres. Este alimento, con el que se componen muchas dietas en casi todas las sociedades del mundo y desde hace miles de años, aporta a través de sus semillas o harinas muchas...

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