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Actualidad nacional e internacional

Abr. 13, 2017

China: Productores optimistas con la recuperación del ...

"For most of 2016, apples were going through a market downturn in China. With low yields and poor average quality, sales were sluggish. On the other hand, the slow sales discouraged many growers and reduced their motivation to invest in...

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Actualidad nacional e internacional

Abr. 13, 2017

Italia: El buen momento de la nueva cosecha de espárra...

Good prices and no harvesting problems registered for asparagus. Giandomenico Arentieri, producer from the Brindisi area, grows the produce on 7 hectares. "I am pleased with how things have gone so far. We started harvesting a month ago and quantities...

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Actualidad nacional e internacional

Abr. 13, 2017

Bélgica: Consumidores pagan más por frutas y hortaliz...

In a substantial report titled ‘Food for thought,’ the Flemish government had research done into the food chain in the region. The report also mentions the fruit and vegetable sector. In it, only the domestic production on the Belgian market...

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Actualidad nacional e internacional

Abr. 11, 2017

Argentina: Productores estiman una caída del 25% en co...

La vendimia 2017 va a dejar una producción de uva menguada. Cuestiones climáticas y abandono de viñedos derivaron en una caída en la cosecha que, según se estima, este año llegará a los 18 o 19 millones de quintales cuando...

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Frutos secos

Abr. 5, 2017

USDA: Se espera una de las cosechas de almendras más g...

Expanded bearing acreage and higher yields are behind the larger almond crop in California during the 2016/17 marketing season (August-July). NASS forecast production at an estimated 2.05 billion shelled pounds, up 8 percent from the 2015/16 harvest total. If realized,...

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