Actualidad nacional e internacional
Feb. 2, 2024Serbia: ventas totales de alimentos para retail alcanzan US$ 9 mil millones anuales
Food retail revenue in the Serbian market is approximately $9 billion a year, which represents a relatively small market. Foreign retail chains hold more than 80 percent of the total retail market, mainly divided between Dutch-owned Delhaize (owner of retail chains Maxi and Tempo) and the Croatian Fortenova Group (owner of retail chains Idea, Roda, and Mercator). Other international retail chains include Germany’s Metro, Lidl, and Greece’s Super Vero.
Domestic retail chains represent only some 20 percent of the Serbian market: Dis, Univerexport, and Gomex. More than 50 percent of all food products are still sold through small grocery shops (estimated to number close to 30,000). Due to significant changes in consumer behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic, online retail inc
Source: USDA