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May. 15, 2020

España: 15% caería la producción de carozos, sumándose...

La campaña de fruta de hueso comienza su andadura con una estimación de cosecha a la baja debido a factores climáticos, que afectará a todos los productos y se dará en casi todas las regiones, tanto nacionales como europeas, aunque...

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May. 15, 2020

Vídeo: Como la Unión Europea está adoptando medidas par...

Vídeo muestra en 40 segundos en las redes sociales que resume las medidas tomadas por la comisión para apoyar a los agricultores y al sector agroalimentario durante la crisis del Coronavirus. Pinche la imágen para ver el vídeo: Fuente: Parlamento...

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May. 15, 2020

Polonia: preocupación por posible tercer año de sequía,...

Poland entered a meteorological drought around March 10. Despite recent rainfall during the first week of May, some Polish weather experts predict that the situation will worsen and that Poland could face a third-straight year of drought. Although current cropping...

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May. 15, 2020

Austria: Implementan fondos financieros para ir en ayud...

In order to mitigate the financial losses through the Covid 19 pandemic and the related lockdown, the Austrian government introduced financial support measures for the most impacted sectors including agriculture and forestry. This report lists an overview of the current...

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May. 15, 2020

Canadá: Conozca las medidas que se implementaron para a...

After weeks of smaller, province-specific actions, Canada’s federal government announced a CAD $180 million support package for farmers and agri-businesses on May 5. The Prime Minister described the measures as an “initial investment,” indicating that more support could be provided...

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Normativa Nacional

May. 15, 2020

Gobierno dispone nuevas medidas sanitarias por brote CO...

El gobierno ha publicado en el diario oficial un decreto emitido por el ministerio de Salud, que notifica las nuevas medidas sanitarias que se implementarán por el avance de la pandemia de coronavirus en nuestro país. Entre las medidas dispuestas...

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May. 14, 2020

Serbia: Gobierno emite decreto para ayudar financierame...

On April 16, 2020, the Serbian government adopted a decree to provide additional support to farmers. It is announced that the sum of the aid would be $25.5 million. Farmers are not satisfied with this amount and are saying that...

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May. 14, 2020

Realizan corredores especiales entre los Países de los...

On April 13, CEFTA member countries implemented a regional green corridors system at certain border crossings. The system was introduced to facilitate the transport and trade of goods within the region, as new border and citizen protection measures to combat...

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