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Jul. 1, 2022

China: ponen en consulta pública nuevos límites de resi...

On June 2022 the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) released a Letter soliciting public comments on two draft National Food Safety Standards for maximum residue limits covering a total of 98 pesticides in foods for public comments. The...

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Jul. 1, 2022

ONUDI-MMA: Taller sobre Reconversión de Cámara Frigoríf...

La Unidad Ozono del Ministerio del Medio Ambiente de Chile y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Industrial (ONUDI), saludan cordialmente y tienen el agrado de invitar a usted al taller de difusión: “LLAMADO PÚBLICO RECONVERSIÓN CÁMARA...

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Jul. 1, 2022

Japón: ventas de alimentos para retail alcanza a US$ 46...

In 2021, the total value of all retail food and beverage sales was $467 billion. Supermarkets represent the bulk of the retail food sales at 74 percent and the convenience store sector accounts for approximately 15 percent of sales. Ready-to-eat...

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Frutas y Hortalizas

Jul. 1, 2022

Espárragos: Crece 5% el consumo de los habitantes en la...

La Asociación Peruana de Importadores de Espárragos (PAIA, por sus siglas en inglés) publicó sus estadísticas sobre los espárragos frescos 2021/2022, las tendencias de la categoría y el informe demográfico. "PAIA anima a los minoristas a aprovechar el aumento esperado...

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Alimentos Procesados

Jul. 1, 2022

Reino Unido: Mercado de proteínas alternativas alcanza...

The report states there is an estimated £1bn market for plant-based alternatives in the UK, with predicted market year-to-year growth for meat alternatives (30%), dairy free milk (48%) and cheese alternative (38%). It argues this will be mainly driven through...

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Jul. 1, 2022

Arabia Saudita: importaciones de alimentos desde EE.UU....

U.S. exports of consumer-oriented food products to Saudi Arabia decreased four percent in 2021, compared to 2020, to approximately $535 million mainly due to shipping issues (e.g., fewer cargo ships, higher costs, etc.) throughout the year. Unfortunately, this trend is...

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Innovación, Investigación y Salud

Jul. 1, 2022

Premian nuevo edulcorante que reemplaza el azúcar y las...

Amai Proteins develops novel designer proteins that answer the needs of consumers and industry. The first product, sweelin™, is a 100% sweet protein designed to significantly replace sugar and sugar alternatives in a wide variety of food & beverages including...

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Innovación, Investigación y Salud

Jul. 1, 2022

Dinamarca: buscan proteína alternativa de mariscos en b...

From plant-based meat that “bleeds” to milk grown in a lab, fake meats and dairy have come a long way in recent years. But there is another alternative that scientists are training their sights on, one with the most challenging...

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