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Innovación, Investigación y Salud

Feb. 21, 2023

Lanzarán al mercado una nueva variedad de manzana

Del 2 al 4 de marzo, Starr Ranch Growers estará exponiendo su última variedad de manzana, Karma, en la feria Southern Exposure de Orlando. "Es una nueva variedad exclusiva registrada por Starr Ranch Growers en la que llevamos trabajando los...

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Feb. 21, 2023

Marruecos comienza a destacarse en frutos rojos, aceitu...

A la entrada del año 2023, el Reino de Marruecos puede sacar músculo ante sus vecinos en lo que a materia de exportaciones se refiere, ya que las 3 grandes industrias del país norteafricano: automoción, fosfatos y agricultura, han registrado...

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Feb. 21, 2023

Arándanos/Polonia: se avecina una temporada difícil par...

The situation in the European market for fresh blueberries remains tense due to the very limited supply. After the continuous flow of large volumes of Peruvian blueberries, and the subsequent fall in prices, it has changed dramatically, EastFruit project analysts...

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Feb. 20, 2023

275% crece el valor exportado de cranberries en conserv...

ODEPA ha publicado las estadísticas de las exportaciones de cranberries en conserva a Enero 2023, en las cifras comparativas al mismo período año 2022, se muestra un alza del valor exportado (+275%), además el volumen también aumentó (+371%). A continuación...

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Feb. 20, 2023

Nueva Zelanda: US$ 4 millones para ayudar a agricultore...

Farmers are counting the cost of Cyclone Gabrielle as they start the massive task of recovery. Some are seeing dry land for the first time in days while others are still waiting for floodwaters to retreat and reveal how hard...

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Feb. 20, 2023

Almendras/EE.UU: aumentan compras desde España, Emirato...

January has turned the tide for US almonds. While domestic shipments remained flat, monthly exports climbed to 908 million pounds (411,986 mt) as the position report issued by California Almonds shows. The total volumes shipped now range higher than last...

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Feb. 20, 2023

Japón importó US$ 827 millones en frutos secos durante...

In 2022, Japan imported $826.5 million of tree nuts, of which 51.0 percent (approximately $421.1 million) were from the United States. Elevated unit prices in 2022 did not negatively impact shipment volumes, suggesting that demand for tree nuts is stable....

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Feb. 20, 2023

Guía para exportar alimentos al mercado de Israel

Israel is an advanced, market-oriented economy. However, its limited land and water resources preclude agricultural self-sufficiency, which affects local production costs and consumer prices. The country is a net food importer; in 2021, food and agricultural product imports were valued...

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