Ene. 11, 2024Marruecos/Frutos secos: Almendras, nueces y pasas lideraron las importaciones 2023
Morocco is on track to break a new record for the import of nuts and dried fruits in 2023. From January to October 2023, Moroccan importers have already brought a record 66 thousand tons of this product to the country’s market, which is 12% more than the whole previous year.
Being one of the fastest-growing exporters of fresh fruits and vegetables in the world, relies entirely on the import of nuts and dried fruits. In 2022, Morocco imported more than 26 times as much of these product as it exported.
The main surge in imports of this product happened between 2018 and 2021, when the volumes more than tripled. In 2022, due to the slowdown of the global economy, the rise of logistics costs and other economic challenges, Morocco slightly reduced imports of nuts and dried fruits. However, this was only a temporary setback, and by mid-2023, the Moroccan market showed signs of recovery.
Source: East Fruit