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Alimentos Procesados

Abr. 6, 2023

India: US$ 535 mil millones alcanzarán las ventas de a...

India’s food processing sector contributes nearly 13 percent to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and ranks fifth in terms of production, consumption, and exports. According to sources, the sector is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of...

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Jugos, bebidas, vinos y licores

Abr. 6, 2023

Tailandia: US$ 261 millones fueron las ventas de jugos ...

The market value of Thailand’s ready-to-drink fruit and vegetable juices was $261 million in 2022, a 7 percent increase from the previous year from the recovery of the tourism sector. The leading juice manufacturers include Tipco, Malee, Unif, Chabaa, and...

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Alimentos Procesados

Abr. 4, 2023

Alemania: tendencias que dominan el sector de la indust...

Germany’s food processing industry is well developed and has access to various food ingredients. Generally, German food processors source their ingredients from local producers or local importers. Only large processors import ingredients directly from foreign suppliers. A good importer will...

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Alimentos Procesados

Abr. 4, 2023

Taiwán: US$22 mil millones en ventas del mercado de in...

The food processing industry is composed of 7,601 manufacturers that produced almost $22 billion of processed food and beverages in 2022. This production accounts for approximately 4.3 percent of the total manufacturing value of Taiwan. Consumers’ preference for convenience and...

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Abr. 4, 2023

Almendras/California: plaga podría causar enfermedades...

Leaffooted bug can create a host of problems for California almond growers. Their needle-like mouthparts pierce almond shells and damage the kernel. The pests can bring fungal pathogens into almonds, causing disease and rot. Cooperative Extension Specialist based out of...

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