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Nov. 28, 2023

Uzbekistán liderando exportaciones de ciruelas Deshidr...

For the second year in a row, prunes are a real hit in Uzbekistan’s exports. In 2022 exports of prunes from Uzbekistan doubled compared to the previous year, and Uzbekistan became one of the three largest exporters of prunes in...

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Nov. 23, 2023

EE.UU/USDA stock de frutas congeladas a Octubre 2023...

El Departamento Agrícola de los Estados Unidos (USDA) ha publicado su reporte de stock de frutas congeladas al mes de Octubre 2023. En el siguiente reporte se detalla el suministro disponible especie por especie. Reporte completo: USDA/23 de Noviembre...

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Frutas y Hortalizas

Nov. 23, 2023

Frutillas/arándanos: panorama de Producción, comercio...

Fruits are vital to consumer diets and an important part of the U.S. agricultural industry. Two berries (strawberries and blueberries) are among the most economically important fruits. With more than $2 billion in annual farm gate sales and accounting for...

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Frutas y Hortalizas

Nov. 23, 2023

Manzanas/India: producción de 2 millones 400 mil tonel...

FAS New Delhi (Post) forecasts India’s market year (MY) 2023/2024 (July-June) apple production coming in at 2.41 million metric tons (MMT), about 10,000 metric tons (MT) higher than it MY 2022/2023 estimate of 2.4 MMT and 60,000 (MT) above the...

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Frutas y Hortalizas

Nov. 23, 2023

Peras/Argentina: incremento de 4% en la producción...

For MY 2023/24, fresh pear production is projected at 625,400 MT, this is estimated to increase from 601,800 MT MY 2022/23, up 4 percent from official USDA estimates. This is due to an overestimation of the negative effect of frost...

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