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Alimentos Orgánicos

May. 10, 2022

Orgánicos: Exportaciones a Abril superan las 32 mil to...

Las exportaciones de alimentos orgánicos alcanzaron 32.086 toneladas y US$ 136 millones al primer cuatrimestre del presente año. En el sector de las frutas frescas se destaca la caída del arándano principalmente tanto en valor (-23%) como en volumen (-20%)....

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Frutas y Hortalizas

May. 10, 2022

Nueva Zelanda: estimaciones de producción para manzana...

New Zealand’s apple production and exports are forecast to rise in marketing year 2021/22 (January 2022 - December 2022), but remain far below levels previously expected as a result of continued shortages of harvest labor. The combination of reduced labor...

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Alimentos Orgánicos

May. 6, 2022

Hong-Kong: Categorías Top de alimentos orgánicos...

According to the Hong Kong Organic Resource Center, the sale of locally certified organic products grew 12 percent in 2021 compared to 2020 and there has been a steady growth in annual sales of over 10 percent in the past...

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Alimentos Orgánicos

May. 5, 2022

Orgánicos: Se abre convocatoria para Feria BIOFACH 202...

Chilealimentos y ProChile le invitan a participar como expositor en la “FERIA BIO BRASIL / BIOFACH AMERICA LATINA”, a realizarse del 8 al 11 de junio en Sao Paulo, Brasil. BIO BRASIL / BIOFACH AMERICA LATINA es la principal feria de productos...

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Alimentos Procesados

May. 5, 2022

Holanda: Gobierno destina 60 millones de euros para inv...

The Netherlands’ government is helping to make cell-based agriculture the norm. Not only did it recently pass a law legalizing the sampling of cultured meat, but it has also allocated the sector €60 million in public funding. Cell-based agriculture consists...

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