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Dic. 26, 2023

Ucrania quintuplica exportaciones de arándanos congela...

According to EastFruit analysts, Ukraine continues its active expansion into the global markets of frozen berries and fruits, which we wrote about in the article “Ukraine is the world champion in terms of berry exports growth rate.” Another confirmation was...

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Dic. 14, 2023

Frambuesas congeladas: Ucrania aumenta su presencia en ...

According to EastFruit analysts, Ukraine has already begun the process of diversifying frozen raspberries exports away from Poland, as this country is considered one of the least reliable trading partners in the region. This allows Ukrainian exporters of frozen berries...

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Dic. 12, 2023

COP-28/congelados: ¿una solución sustentable pasar de...

Join The Move To -15° to help the industry cut carbon emissions, save energy and lower costs. The Move To -15° is an initiative to bring global logistics leaders together to change the temperature of frozen food from -18°C to...

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Dic. 5, 2023

EE.UU.: Frambuesas congeladas de Ucrania lentamente se ...

Ukraine continues to gradually increase supplies of frozen raspberries to the United States, which is a good trend given the urgent need to diversify exports. According to Andriy Yarmak, an FAO economist, Ukraine supplies most of its raspberries to Poland,...

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Dic. 5, 2023

España: 6 de cada 10 españoles consumen hortalizas co...

La situación económica actual, que atraviesa una coyuntura compleja y una inflación notable, está impactando en la cesta de la compra, llevando a los consumidores a mirar en detalle los precios y la calidad de los productos. Desde la Asociación...

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