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May. 16, 2024Carozos/Ucrania: producciones de ciruelas y cerezas en serio peligro por heladas
In early May, a sudden drop in nighttime temperatures in Ukraine’s Dnipropetrovsk region resulted in significant damage to fruit-bearing trees. Petro Lyakhovich, a farm owner from Vladimirovka village, reported that the mercury dipping to -1°C led to frost damage to his apricot and plum trees, according to SEEDS.
“Despite a generally warm spring, the frost on the night of May 5th, though seemingly minor, had a substantial impact. While a few apricots survived, the plum crops were entirely decimated. This phenomenon is not uncommon annually, but the extent of the damage this year was unprecedented, affecting approximately 2.5 hectares,” Lyakhovich conveyed.
Lyakhovich notes that apricots are particularly vulnerable to freezing due to their early blooming and fruit-setting period. This year marked the first instance of plum crops succumbing to the cold. He attributes this to the premature arrival of warm weather, which prompted an earlier than usual fruit development.
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Source: Eastfruit