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May. 31, 2022

EE.UU: 20 alimentos liofilizados en base a proteínas v...

Are you looking for the best plant-based protein powders on the market? If so, you've come to the right place. In this blog post, we will discuss 20 of the best options available in 2022. Protein powders are a great...

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May. 20, 2022

Almendras/España: 29% de menor cosecha, estimaciones p...

Como cada año, la Mesa Nacional de Frutos Secos ha realizado la estimación de producción de almendra para la campaña 2022, dando como resultado una previsión de 61.684 toneladas de almendra grano. Se prevé, por segundo año consecutivo, una merma...

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May. 19, 2022

Nuts: Japón importa US$ 491 millones en diversos fruto...

This report details the strong demand for U.S. Tree Nut products, driven by the growing health-oriented trends among Japanese consumers. In 2021, fresh and dried nut imports to Japan totaled $491 million, of which 78.2 percent or approximately $384 million...

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May. 12, 2022

Australia: proyecto y metas de la Industria de frutos s...

A 2030 vision provides direction and clarity for the industry, enabling it to work together towards the clear, common goal of elevating the importance of nuts within healthy and environmentally sustainable diets. Ultimately, the Vision will help all sectors of...

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May. 3, 2022

Frutos secos/EE.UU: Exportaciones crecen dos dígitos e...

With elevated production and stock levels, unit values have remained weak. U.S. exports continue to dominate the global almond, pistachio, and walnut markets with limited competition from Australia (almonds) and Iran (pistachios) as well as China, Chile, and Ukraine (walnuts)....

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