Frutas y Hortalizas
Dic. 17, 2024
USDA actualiza estimación de producción mundial para manzanas, uvas y peras en temporada 2024/25
World apple production for 2024/25 is forecast to fall nearly 350,000 tons to 84.0 million as losses in the European Union, United States, Turkey, and Russia more than offset an increase in China production. Exports are projected down less than 100,000 tons to 6.1 million on lower shipments from the United States and Iran more than offsetting increased exports from China.
World table grape production for 2024/25 is forecast up nearly 1.0 million tons to 28.9 million as higher volumes in China, India, and the United States more than offset losses in the European Union. Exports are projected up nearly 400,000 tons to 3.9 million on greater shipments from Peru and China.
World pear production for 2024/25 is forecast up nearly 400,000 tons to 25.9 million as gains in China more than offset weather-related losses in the United States. Exports are anticipated to rise more than 60,000 tons to 1.9 million on improved shipments from China and Turkey.
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