Frutas y Hortalizas
Nov. 22, 2022India: bajará 2% producción de uvas, mientras crecerán las manzanas y peras
India’s domestic apple and pear production in market year (MY) (July-June) 2022/23 are estimated at 2.35 million metric tons (MMT) and 311,000 metric tons (MT), respectively. Favorable rainfall in Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh has augmented yields and will lead to increased exports.
Market year 2022/23 apple imports are estimated at 430,000 MT. India’s domestic apple industry continues to compete against imported Turkish and Iranian apples (in addition to other sources) and is hindered by an insufficient cold chain network that contributes to reduced product quality and limited distribution beyond the northern India region.
Domestic table grape production is forecast at 2.85 MMT, largely unchanged from the previous MY as excessive rains in Maharashtra have delayed pruning and reduced the harvest window. Consumer demand for domestic and imported apples, pears, and grapes is steadily growing.
Full report here:
USDA/November 04, 2022