Frutas y Hortalizas
Jul. 6, 2021Cerezas/China: se espera incremento en la demanda y producción alcanzará las 600 mil toneladas en año comercial 2021/22
Cherry production is forecast at 600,000 MT in MY2021/22 (April-March), an increase of 15 percent from the revised number in MY2020/21. In MY2020/21, cold temperatures and excessive rain in northern China during fruit development resulted in smaller and split fruit. In Shandong Province, total cherry production is expected to continue rising for the next 3 to 5 years as new plantings bear fruit.
Post has revised the MY2019/20 and MY2020/21 cherry production in line with acreage expansion reported by industry sources.
Full report here:
USDA/June 29, 2021