Actualidad nacional e internacional
Abr. 23, 2024México: Helada y granizada en Coahuila deja graves da�...
Una fuerte granizada pintó de blanco el Cañón de San Antonio de las Alazanas la tarde de este domingo, dejando daños considerables a los manzaneros en Arteaga, Coahuila. Los productores de manzana de Arteaga reportan la pérdida del 80 por...
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Abr. 20, 2024Arándano/EE.UU: Kasey Cronquist, presidente de USHBC y...
The blueberry market in the US is exhibiting strong growth, with the category benefiting from “passionate and dedicated” consumers. That is the verdict of Kasey Cronquist, president of the US Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) and the North American Blueberry Council...
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Abr. 20, 2024Malasia: Panorama y tendencias del mercado de ingredien...
The Malaysian food and beverage manufacturing industry is a significant sector in Malaysia’s economic expansion for both the domestic and export market. This sector includes several multinational corporation facilities as well as a range of local company operations. The main...
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Abr. 20, 2024Canal de Panamá aumentará tránsitos DIARIOS de buque...
La Autoridad del Canal de Panamá (ACP) ha anunciado un mantenimiento programado en las esclusas de Gatún del 7 al 15 de mayo, lo cual reducirá el número de tránsitos diarios en las esclusas Panamax de 20 a 17. Tras...
Leer contenido completoActualidad nacional e internacional
Abr. 18, 2024Tailandia: Ventas de alimentos Foodservice crecieron 13...
Thailand’s foodservice value sales grew by 12.6 percent in 2023 to $28.2 billion. Outlet numbers reached 185,335 in the same year. Street stalls/kiosks represent 65% of outlets, followed by limited-service restaurants at 17 percent, cafes/bars at 12 percent, and full-service...
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